The best products and habits for improving brain function have been found

The brain function is affected many factors, including age. To reduce the risk of developing dementia, you need to include a number of products in your diet and acquire some useful habits, experts believe.

Nutritionist Hannah Bray told how you can help your brain in simple ways. According to her, you should eat more fruits, vegetables and salads with olive oil and fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, fermented food should be present in the diet. It includes yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut and kombucha.

The nutritionist also noted that the brain is vulnerable to the destructive effects of free radicals and oxidative stress. To counteract this, you need to consume foods containing antioxidants. These include black grapes and blueberries, which improve cognitive ability and long-term memory.

Also, Bray recommends adding cinnamon to oatmeal in the morning to help balance blood sugar levels. According to her, high sugar and the subsequent high level of insulin can lead to brain cell damage.

As for the right habits, it is important to consider the time of day for eating. It is believed that the break between evening and morning meals should be at least 12 hours. This is necessary to restore brain function.

Bray also recommends exercises for “improving cognitive functions.” For example, it is important to be outside regularly, especially on sunny days. “Research shows that light can stimulate cerebral blood flow and blood circulation,” the nutritionist explained.

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Author: alex

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