The best products for evening snacks

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Sometimes, shortly before going to sleep, a person wakes up so hungry that he raids the refrigerator and eats a lot of excess. If you are unable to overcome this bad habit, then get into the habit of eating healthy snacks.

Nuts. A great solution for those who have decided to lose weight. Almonds, walnuts and cashews, placed in the toaster, become an excellent snack. Eating a handful of nuts daily as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Banana with almond butter. Spread almond butter on a banana to increase melatonin levels in the blood. This hormone increases the feeling of sleepiness, according to research. They also demonstrated that within two hours of eating a couple of bananas, melatonin levels increased more than four times.

Yogurt. The calcium contained in this product enhances sleepiness and improves sleep quality. Yogurt also has protein, which controls hunger and helps keep you feeling full longer, which is also essential.

Fresh vegetables. Fresh vegetables are good for those looking for something low in calories. Try to eat a mixture of raw carrots, broccoli, cucumber slices, celery, zucchini, peppers and tomatoes in the evening. Add a low-fat cottage cheese or Greek yogurt dressing to this salad for extra flavor and a good dose of calcium.

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Author: alex

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