The best products for heart protection have been named
There is a fairly large selection of products that can be very useful for maintaining heart health and normal functioning, according to experts from the American Heart Association. According to them, every person should make sure that these products are present in their diet.
For example, experts have included lentils and green beans in the list of the most useful products for the heart. According to them, beans contain a large amount of magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B1. In addition, this product can share with the body and other useful compounds.
In addition, they advise to refrain from using such side dishes with sausages and fried meat.
Also included in the list of products that have a beneficial effect on the heart are fatty fish, pomegranates and grapes. It is noted that a large number of previously conducted studies link frequent consumption of fatty fish with a reduced risk of stroke and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.
And it is not at all necessary to spend money on red fish, you can get a lot of benefits from herring or mackerel. The main thing, experts repeat, is not to forget that there is not too much salt in dishes using these products.
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