The best products to protect the brain from aging

Research by experts at the University of Illinois in the US, presented evidence that some products can protect the brain and output. Such as Alzheimer's disease.

researchers conducted an experiment involving mice. Тварин розділили на групи, яких тримали на різному кормі. Тести продемонстрували, що гризуни, чий корм містив підвищену кількість харчових волокон, виявляли симптоми зниження запалення в кишечнику. In addition, it has been found that these animals have reduced the amount of proteins that potentially destructive for neurons. According to scientists, their consumption contributes to the growth of beneficial microflora in the intestine. In particular, the production of short -chain fatty acids and specifically butyrates is activated. Under the action of butyrate, the activity of genes associated with inflammatory processes in the microglia – the accumulation of immune cells in the central nervous system, was stated by researchers. Вони допускають, що аналогічний механізм властивий і людському організму.

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Author: alex

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