The best sources of vitamin D are milk and water
Research has shown that milk and water are excellent sources of vitamin D. We get most of this element, which is good for our bones, through exposure to sunlight on our skin, but sunbathing is not always possible.
If you are experiencing constant headaches, dizziness or decreased immunity , then this may be due to a lack of vitamin D. It is called solar because most of it is produced by the skin under the influence of sunlight. It is very necessary for the control and assimilation of basic minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphate by the body, support of the immune system, growth of bones and teeth, increasing resistance to diseases such as diabetes.
But how to improve the assimilation of vitamin D, if due to the climate can't we sunbathe enough? Scientists from Aarhus University in Denmark conducted a randomized experiment with 30 postmenopausal women between the ages of 60 and 80 to answer this question. They were interested in changes in the concentration of vitamin A in the blood in response to the consumption of 200 g of various products containing this useful component
The study participants were given 500 ml of water, milk, ordinary juice and vitamin D, whey protein isolate in a random sequence , as well as water without vitamin D, that is, a placebo. Every day, the researchers took blood samples. Whey protein isolate in apple juice did not increase the maximum concentration of vitamin D3. But when drinking milk and water, this concentration was much higher than when drinking juice. There was no noticeable difference between milk and water. The researchers concluded that vitamin D-enriched water or milk worked better than others.
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