The best time for fertilizing winter garlic is named
Gardeners assure that now is the best time to feed garlic seedlings winter can not be found. If you do not miss this moment, the heads will grow to the size of a fist. Let it be considered that this culture does not require special attention from summer residents, but if you wave your hand at all, then the yield will be lower than average.
When to feed
You will not have to regret the harvest of winter garlic , if feeding is carried out after the first spring rains, when the soil has already warmed up. It is this time that is considered ideal for applying nutrient mixtures.
You can use the simplest, most affordable and no less effective option. They say that once using this composition on their gardens, summer residents forget about everything in the world. It is about feeding with ammonia.
How to act
You will need a bucket of clean and warm water. In it, you need to dissolve two tablespoons of ammonia, which is sold in any pharmacy.
After mixing the solution, it is introduced into the interrows, most conveniently using a watering can. Ammonia supplement stimulates the growth of green mass and promotes the development of heads. In addition, this composition repels known pests.
Feeding can be carried out at intervals of once every three weeks. Between fertilizing, it is good to dust the garlic bed with wood ash.
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