The best way to marinate bell peppers for pizza

It is known that the taste of pizza largely depends on the composition the filling included in it. Try adding pickled bell pepper – and your pizza will acquire an original taste!


In order to pickle 5 kg of peeled sweet pepper (for comparison, a bucket contains 4 kg of unpeeled), you need the following ingredients for the marinade:
Vinegar – 0.5 l
Oil (refined) – 0.5 l
Sugar – 250 g
Salt – 2 tbsp. l.
Black pepper, bay leaf, garlic

Peel and cut the peppers into pieces (into 4-8 pieces, depending on the size of the pepper), roughly like a matchbox. Then boil the brine: water, salt, sugar, oil, pepper, a bay leaf and part of the vinegar (add the rest 2-3 times).

Drop the pepper into the marinade, boil for 5-10 minutes to became a little soft. Pour hot pepper into sterilized half-liter jars, throwing 2-3 cloves of garlic on each jar, and a small bay leaf. Fill with the remaining marinade and screw with metal lids.

The yield is 12-13 half-liter jars.

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Author: alex

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