The best way to plant tomatoes in open ground
To get a good crop of tomatoes, you have to work hard. , starting with growing seedlings and ending with harvesting. If you have already grown quality seedlings, then it is time to plant them in open ground. And the best way of planting is in a hole.
This method has many advantages over the traditional one – in a hole. First, it is easier to take care of plants: there is land to constantly sprinkle, turning the bushes; that's not how weeds grow, because you turned over the ground with weed seeds, making a rivulet. Secondly, you can water tomatoes in between rows, while the water will not injure the stem. Thirdly, it is convenient to weed and mulch.
So, make a groove 20 cm deep. If you have a hand plow, it is very convenient to do this. Immediately sprinkle the bottom with humus and fill it well with water so that a kind of “porridge” is formed. After that, spread the tomatoes at a distance of 30 cm from each other, but not perpendicularly, but at an angle. In this case, the stem will grow additional roots and the seedlings will grow better. And then you cover it with earth under the leaves themselves.
With this planting, the seedlings will take root better, it is easier to care for it, and as a result, it will give a good harvest!
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