The biologist called the posture of a sleeping person, which increases the risk of stroke
From the words of Dr. of biological sciences Volodymyr Kovalzon, sleeping on the back is dangerous.
In his interview, the scientist called the position of a sleeping person in which the risk of a stroke increases. Kovalzon noted that in this regard, resting at night in the supine position is potentially dangerous – especially if there is a tendency to snoring. For those who snore a lot, this kind of sleep is harmful and brings them closer to a stroke,” the researcher warned.
Kovalzon added that the position “on the side” to some extent protects against severe snoring. However, if a person is snoring due to apnea, changing the position of the body is not a solution to the problem – the snoring will still occur and the person's brain will experience a lack of oxygen. Apnea with loud snoring and breathing stops during sleep, which interrupt the access of oxygen to the brain, require treatment by specialists.
How can a person understand that he is prone to this dangerous disorder, if there is no one around to tell her about snoring?
The biologist listed the symptoms:
- Cracked, tired after a normal sleep duration.
- Headaches.
- Problems with memory.
- Increased blood pressure.
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