The biologist spoke about the benefits of malnutrition for prolonging life
Biologist from the University of Washington in the USA Mitchell Lee said that malnutrition prevents many diseases. It is extremely important that this way of eating can slow down the process of natural aging of the human body.
The American biologist states that restriction in various products triggers a mechanism that regulates metabolism. The specialist studied the effect of low-carbohydrate, ketogenic and low-protein diets.
Intermittent fasting and time-restricted eating were also taken into account. As a result, the biologist discovered an unexpected secret of youth and health.
During an experiment on laboratory rats, the scientist noticed that the longest life of the animals was extended by a diet that only simulated starvation. Thus, a low-carbohydrate diet and periodic food restrictions can ensure a healthy and long life.
A very important point is the need to take into account the impact of certain products on the body. Preference should be given to a healthy lifestyle, refusing fatty, fried and oversweetened food. It is necessary to include fruits, berries, vegetables, citrus fruits and nuts in the daily diet.
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