The British Heart Foundation warns of sweating as a symptom of a heart attack

Sudden sweating for no apparent reason can be an indication of a heart attack, experts from the British Heart Foundation (BHF) warned about this.

British Heart Foundation warns of sweating as a symptom of a heart attack< /p>

British doctors remind that the symptoms of a heart attack are not always obvious chest pains that make a person grab his heart like in a movie. Sometimes the signals of this event are non-obvious signs, including the way a person sweats.

“Heavier sweating after increased physical activity is the norm, but sudden sweating for no apparent reason can be a warning symptom of a heart attack,” said representatives of the British Heart Foundation.

In an interview with Express, doctors explained that a heart attack occurs when an artery that supplies the heart with blood and oxygen is blocked by a blood clot. The most common cause of blood clots is coronary heart disease (CHD), in which the coronary arteries that supply the heart with blood are blocked by cholesterol deposits.

According to experts, increased sweating that occurs out of connection with environmental temperature or physical activity, may be a sign of cholesterol-clogged coronary arteries. Pumping blood through clogged arteries requires a lot of effort from the heart, so the body begins to sweat more to reduce the body temperature, which rises due to additional stress.

The experts added that “night sweats are also a warning symptom of possible heart problems , especially common among women”.

In the British Heart Foundation, it is recommended not to ignore sudden sweating without an obvious reason – especially if it is accompanied by chest pain. A heart attack can also be indicated by profuse sweating, accompanied by dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea.

Speaking of the most frequent signs of a heart attack, experts name severe chest pain, pain in the arm, as well as sudden severe dizziness.


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Author: alex

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