The cardiologist explained why heart diseases have become “younger”.

Once heart attacks were associated only with old age. Recently, more and more people in their 20s, 30s and 40s are suffering from heart disease.

In addition to a person's genetic predisposition and family history, which are the most common and uncontrolled risk factors, young people currently suffer from heart disease for another reason. At the same time, it is emphasized that it is controlled.

The cardiologist explained why heart diseases have become younger

It is about a lifestyle that can be characterized as bad. In particular, it refers to an unstable sleep pattern, constant stress, unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle and smoking.

All this significantly increases the risk of heart disease in young people, says Dr. Balbir Singh, head of the cardiology department at Max Hospital in India.

He added that although coronary heart disease is incurable, it is possible to improve the heart's function and significantly reduce the likelihood of heart attacks. For this, you need to change your lifestyle and take the necessary medications.

In more severe cases, surgical intervention is required. However, if the doctors' recommendations are followed, the prognosis is mostly favorable, and a person will quickly be able to return to normal life.

What should be the lifestyle? First of all, it is necessary to take care of a balanced diet, in which the level of cholesterol and sugar will be normal. You should also think about physical activity – exercises should be regular. It's important to quit smoking.

Heart failure, or cardiovascular disease, refers to the fact that your heart isn't as healthy as it should be, Dr. Singh points out.

In connection with this, he calls to be more attentive to your health.

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Author: alex

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