The case in Vietnam became an example of why you should not share headphones
Ear infections can manifest in different ways. One of the most difficult forms can be called the one that a resident of Vietnam had. He went to a local doctor complaining of pain and itching in his ear. What the doctor saw surprised the specialist.
In particular, during the examination of the patient, many tiny fungi were found in the ear canals. They were the cause of itching and pain.
The doctor removed mushroom-like growths from the man's ears. After that, according to the doctor, pain and itching will not bother you. But it will take a few more days. There should also be inflammation of the skin near the infected area.
Discussing the possible causes of the infection, the man said that he had recently shared headphones with other people. However, he did not name them. Experts do not rule out such a version, writes BGR. However, they do not claim that this is what caused the infection.
They noted that such ear infections are not uncommon. The man could have acquired the infection for other reasons and already infected others by sharing headphones with them. It is noted that the disease is still treatable.
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