The cheap vegetable is called a powerful means of healing the heart and liver

Beetroot, being an unremarkable cheap vegetable, has a whole range of powerful healing properties, as foreign nutritionists have reminded.

The cheap vegetable is called a powerful means of improving the heart and liver

According to experts, beets can without exaggeration be called a powerful means of improving the body – this is facilitated by the complex of its natural compounds. The root fruit contains alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, terpenoids, saponins, beta-carotene, as well as a lot of fiber. Thanks to its composition, this simple vegetable prevents damage to cells by toxins, protects the filtering organs of the body from the development of inflammation. In this way, a cheap product can effectively improve the health of the liver.

“Beetroot is able to enhance the natural detoxification process that occurs in our liver”, – scientists said.

In addition, its consumption improves the condition of the cardiovascular system, protecting it from the development of atherosclerosis.

“Beetroot fiber lowers the level of cholesterol, preventing its absorption in too large a quantity by the intestines,” experts explained.

A number of recent studies show that beetroot juice helps normalize blood pressure. It is saturated with natural nitrates – compounds that turn into nitric oxide, capable of improving the conductivity of blood vessels and arteries.

Nutritionists recommend eating the vegetable raw or baked, but in case of diabetes, coordinate its consumption with a doctor.

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Author: alex

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