The “Chinese” way to plant onions to increase yield
Experienced summer residents have long paid attention to the Chinese method of planting onions and actively use it.
Growing onions according to the Chinese method means growing onions on a ridge. The bulbs are flattened in shape, but large, because they grow open to the sun.
Also, thanks to this method of cultivation, the looseness of the soil is maintained for a long time, the ridges prevent the washing out of useful microelements from the soil, which also has an excellent effect on the harvest.
The method is simple: you need to loosen the area, level the soil with a rake and form the beds with a mound, raking the top layer of soil from both sides to the center of the marked rows.
The mounds should be 15-20 centimeters high, and the distance between the beds should be about 30 centimeters.
In these mounds, holes are made and onions are planted in the same way as potatoes are usually planted, but the bulbs are not completely buried, but are lightly sprinkled with earth.
Before planting onions using the Chinese method, excess soil is removed from the planting material scales and cut off dry tips to stimulate rapid growth.
Caring for onions planted in this way is much simpler – all you need is watering and fertilizing under the root.
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