The color of the tongue: 8 changes that indicate health problems


tongue can become raspberry, blue, white, yellow. When it does not have a normal pink color, it can indicate health problems. We will consider them.

red (purple). The tongue is not just pink, but very red can be a signal of vitamin B deficiency. At the same time, red spots with white borders along the tongue-liquid but harmless condition called “geographical tongue”.


blue. Blue tongue may indicate poor oxygen circulation in the blood. This violation is related to lung problems or kidney disease.

yellow. Your tongue may look yellow if you smoke. Sometimes the yellowing of the tongue is caused by hepatitis and psoriasis.

gray. In addition, gray tongue is observed with gastric ulcer or eczema.

white. Usually in this case they do not mean completely white tongue, but, for example, multiple white spots on its surface. They are usually caused by fungal infections (thrush). In the case of diseases such as leukoplakia or oral red flat lichen on the tongue, white lines occur. Sometimes leukoplakia becomes a malignant process. At the same time, the cause of brown tongue can be the use of tobacco, which can lead to the appearance of signs of oral cancer on the tongue – in particular, ulcer.

black. The tongue from dark brown to black is most often the result of bacteria, which are activated due to poor oral hygiene. Diabetes is another possible cause of black tongue.

Diagnosis of tongue in Chinese medicine. in terms of traditional Chinese medicine, the diagnosis of health health on the tongue takes into account four main characteristics. These principles are also used in modern clinical studies.

  • Color. The color of the tongue is considered the most important indicator. Changes in healthy color stored for a long time can indicate problems with the main organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys.
  • coating. A healthy tongue should have a thin whitish coating – a thicker coating may indicate problems with the bladder, stomach or intestine.
  • moisture. Too humid tongue indicates fluid retention and swelling, while dry tongue is dehydration.
  • Form. Too thin tongue may indicate fluid loss. With a disease such as amyloidosis, the tongue becomes large so that it can even complicate chewing or swallowing.

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Author: alex

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