The combination of products that are harmful to health is named

German experts named a combination of products that are harmful to health – including white bread with jam, black tea with milk, burger with beer and others.

Fresh toast with jam under a cup of fragrant coffee in the morning and a hearty burger with a cold beer after work in the evening – sounds very tasty, doesn't it? But what seems so appetizing can seriously harm your health, doctors reminded of this in an interview with Freundin magazine (Germany). They named a combination of foods that can have a negative effect on the body and advised to avoid them in the daily diet.

Salad and low-fat dressing. The combination sounds like “low calories”, but that's all. one thing is harmful, as it prevents the full absorption of vitamins. Many vegetable products require accompaniment in the form of fat so that the body can absorb and use the vitamins contained in them.

White bread and jam.This combination of foods supplies the body with too many simple carbohydrates contained in both bread and jam, which can cause a sharp spike in blood sugar, and then a drop again. The consequences will be a strong craving for food and fatigue.

Burger and beer. In such a combination, the body first breaks down alcohol, and then fat, which gets deposited on the stomach and thighs. If there is a burger, it is better to wash it down with just water.

Lentils and red wine.Combining a glass of red wine with dishes made from lentils or soybeans harms health by significantly slowing down the absorption of iron (the influence of wine components and vegetable tannins is indicated). For good absorption of iron, you need to eat foods rich in vitamin C.

Alcohol and caffeine. Many people believe that coffee or another caffeinated drink helps to sober up after being drunk. Error! According to a study by Temple University in Philadelphia, caffeine weakens the sedative properties of alcohol, but impairs brain function.

Black tea and milk. The anti-inflammatory effect of black tea is reduced by milk – milk proteins destroy the antioxidants contained in tea and prevent their absorption by the body. In turn, the caffeine in tea prevents the absorption of calcium from milk.

Tomatoes and cucumbers. The two ingredients are often found together in salads, but it is better to choose only one of them. Research results have shown that the combination of two types of vegetables can disrupt biochemical reactions in the body. This may mean that the vegetables will not be digested properly.

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Author: alex

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