The combination of some products with medicines can be dangerous for humans
There are products with which you cannot combine medicines – an endocrinologist warned about this in an interview.
The doctor said that, when entering the body, medicines interact with food components. A number of substances in products can negatively affect the absorption of certain medications.
For example, acidic fruit and vegetable juices reduce the effect of antibiotics, anti-secretory agents, as well as anti-tumor and iron-containing drugs.
The doctor added that some combinations of products and medicines can be dangerous. In particular, they include the use of cranberries or cranberry juice when taking anticoagulants – drugs that treat thrombosis. According to the doctor, the biologically active compounds of cranberries can disrupt the effect of these drugs and contribute to bleeding.
In addition, the doctor advised not to combine anticoagulant drugs with foods rich in vitamin K (you should not eat cucumbers, soy, beans , green leaf salad, cabbage, spinach). With a high level of this vitamin in the body, the effectiveness of such medications decreases.
Also, the doctor urged not to drink milk, suppressing some medications.
“When interacting with milk, anticoagulants, as well as antibiotics and diuretics the resulting reactions can reduce the absorption of the listed medicines. Sometimes significantly – up to 80%,” said the specialist.
For those taking iron preparations, the doctor recommended avoiding their combination with dairy products, tea, coffee, nuts, wheat bread, millet porridge.
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