The dangerous consequences of water that is drunk in large quantities are named
If water is drunk in too much quantity, it can lead to dangerous health consequences, experts remind.
Water that is drunk in large quantities can harm the kidneys, they report, referring to the opinion of the expert, Dr. Mike Pain.
“Excess water is first absorbed into the bloodstream, and then filtered by the kidneys and excreted from the body in the form of urine. The kidneys of a normal healthy adult can remove up to one liter of water per hour. If you consume more than this amount within a few hours, there is a risk of water intoxication and other side effects,” said Bol.
The expert listed the signs that indicate water intoxication:
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Confusion of consciousness.
- Forgetfulness.
- Headache.
The doctor emphasized that the body, who has suffered from excess water, needs help. If the condition of hyponatremia (water intoxication) begins to progress, its consequence can be very severe symptoms – hallucinations, seizures, impaired speech, weakness, muscle spasms, deterioration of brain function, coma.
Dr. Ball added that the risk of suffering from the dangerous consequences of drinking a large amount of water is especially high for those who constantly quench their thirst with water in conditions of physical exertion or extreme heat without additional mineralization of the body. In addition, mental problems are possible due to which water is consumed in excessive doses.
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