The dangers of cheap plastic reading glasses have been named

At first glance, ready-made reading glasses may seem convenient and a quick fix, but in reality it hides many pitfalls. Experts talked about the disadvantages of such glasses and how to choose the right accessory so as not to harm your health.

How dangerous are cheap plastic glasses:

  • ready-made glasses are made according to standard parameters. That is, any deviation from the norm in them is not taken into account, which will negatively affect the function of the eyes, reports the website of the ophthalmology clinic;
  • even the parameters of the glasses declared by the manufacturer often do not correspond to reality. For example, the difference in diopters can reach 0.50. Most likely, the centering and other parameters will not match;
  • the frame material can also cause problems. Sometimes it provokes an allergic reaction, and in some cases it can become unusable already after a year of regular socks.

According to experts, such situations are not uncommon in the market of finished optical products. As a rule, we are talking about cheap glasses produced in Asia, which do not meet GOST and medical requirements.

Good glasses are not cheap, which is quite understandable – this is a guarantee of quality and high-tech lens processing, reports the website of a specialized company. Only in an optician's salon can you get the advice of a professional who will help you choose the most suitable glasses to correct the quality of your vision.

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Author: alex

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