The dangers of nose hair plucking for health and life have been revealed
Plucking nose hair is dangerous not only for health, but also for life. Experts warned about this, urging not to practice something like this, especially at home.
Both women and men resort to nose hair removal. However, if you pull out even a few hairs, the neighboring bulbs may well begin to grow incorrectly. This can lead to the appearance of ingrown hairs, which provoke a feeling of discomfort and pain. They can lead to the formation of abscesses, and the mucous membrane is delicate, and it threatens unpleasant feelings.
In addition, hair in the nose acts as a barrier for various viruses and bacteria. After removing these, small wounds remain on the mucous membrane, and thus there is a risk of microorganisms penetrating directly into the blood. There is even a threat of such conditions as blood infection and sepsis.
Experts also remind that the nose is part of the so-called triangle of death, that is, the area of the face that includes the mouth, nose and nasolabial folds. There are concentrated veins and vessels through which blood reaches the cavernous body of the brain.
Infection can even be fatal. Dermatologists believe that the infection does not necessarily reach the brain, but can touch, for example, the eyes.
If the hair in the nose provokes discomfort, you can use small scissors with rounded ends. It is recommended to sterilize them beforehand. Although waxing is safer than plucking, it can cause burns and irritation. It is easiest to use a trimmer, it carefully cuts hairs without damaging the mucous membrane.
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