The day when the Mother of God is prayed to: what is the holiday on June 2 and what is forbidden to do

On Sunday, June 2, according to the new church calendar, Orthodox Ukrainians honor the memory of the Kyiv-Brother icon of the Mother of God, and also remember Saint Nikifor the Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople, also known as Nikifor Duboder.

“Apostrophe” tells about the history of these memorable dates for believers and what are the signs and traditions of June 2.

History of the Kyiv-Brother icon of the Mother of God

The Kyiv-Brother icon of the Mother of God was located in the Borysoglib church in Vyshgorod, Kyiv region. In 1654, a miraculous apparition of this icon took place, but eight years later the temple was destroyed. The icon and holy relics were saved: the shrine was floated down the Dnieper river, and the relics of Boris and Hleb were hidden under the river. The river carried the icon to the bank of Podol in Kyiv, where it was solemnly taken to the Bratsky Monastery. In 1919, the monastery was closed, and the icon was considered lost.

Later, it turned out that in 1926 the list of the image (beginning of the 18th century) was transferred to the museum on the territory of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra. Now it is in the National Art Museum of Ukraine.

History of Saint Nicephorus

Saint Nicephorus lived in the second half of the 8th century in Constantinople. He studied the Holy Scriptures and read spiritual books. When Emperor Leo IV came to power, the man became a royal adviser, but continued to lead a strict and virtuous life, and also defended the veneration of icons.

Under Emperor Constantine VI, the Seventh Ecumenical Council was convened, which condemned the iconoclastic heresy. Nicephorus spoke at the Council on behalf of the emperor in defense of the icons, and then left his post and settled near the Bosphorus alone. There he founded a monastery and took monastic vows himself.

Subsequently, Nicephorus was elected Patriarch of Constantinople. However, the iconoclast emperor Leo the Armenian exiled the patriarch to the remote island of Proconnis in the Sea of ​​Marmara, where he died. His immortal relics are currently kept in the Cathedral Church of Saint Sophia in Constantinople.

Omens for June 2

  • If it is stuffy in the morning, then there will be bad weather soon;
  • If a nightingale sings at night, the next day will be sunny;
  • If it rained on this day, then there will be a poor grain harvest;
  • If the crows cackle, then a cold weather or precipitation is expected soon.

Traditions on June 2

On this day, they pray to the Mother of God and the Kyiv-Brother icon of the Mother of God, who are asked for the protection of their native land, kindness and love.

Our ancestors also believed that if on June 2, unmarried girls weave wreath and wear it during the day, then suitors will soon be swarming around them.

Prohibitions for June 2

Forbidden conflicts, obscene language, slander, greed, envy, despair.


It is also impossible to enter into agreements, otherwise there is a possibility of losing a large amount of funds. At the same time, it is not advisable to go to the cemetery, otherwise you can bring negative energy into the house with you.

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Author: alex

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