The dentist connected the sensitivity of the teeth with the peculiarities of the diet

The cause of sensitive teeth can be not only inflammation nerve, caries or infection, which requires referral to a specialist and treatment. Often, the problem arises due to the peculiarities of hygiene or nutrition. Jeffrey R. Morris, a dentist, explained this in more detail.

He explained that too aggressive oral care products and a hard toothbrush damage the enamel. This ultimately leads to sensitivity. In this case, it is necessary to change the toothpaste. You should also buy a toothbrush with softer bristles.

Diet is another common cause of tooth sensitivity, Morris said. He explained that a number of foods and drinks have a negative effect on enamel. Among them:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • ice;
  • hot tea and coffee;
  • acidic products.
  • >

To get rid of sensitivity, it is necessary to exclude them from the diet, the doctor advised. At the same time, he added that it would be possible to solve the problem if it appeared not so long ago. In other words, if the damage is minor, they will quickly disappear with a change in diet.

“If the sensitivity has passed, but the teeth hurt, it is better to consult a dentist. Perhaps more complex procedures are needed to help,” said Morris.


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Author: alex

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