The dentist told how to get rid of bleeding gums

The dentist explained what causes bleeding gums and how to get rid of this problem.

It is important to understand the difference between a one-time case in the form of a drop of blood during thorough tooth brushing and regular bleeding gums.

“Periodontal diseases can lead to pathological processes and bleeding . In particular, this is gingivitis – inflammation of the gums. Light form. This is not about any irreversible pathologies, if treated in time. Well, if you start, the disease can turn into periodontitis. And this is already a serious inflammation, which leads to the destruction of the connection between the tooth and the sacrum. A tooth without caries can become mobile and, eventually, leave an implanted place,” explains the specialist.

The cause of bleeding gums can be stomatitis, which is probably known to everyone. Its mild forms pass without serious consequences, and with complications, blood sometimes appears, which is a sign of significant disorders in the body.

During pregnancy, when hormonal changes occur, the gums can also become looser, and as a result bleeding appears. It can also be caused by various systemic diseases, such as diabetes. Often it's a matter of taking drugs that thin the blood.

And sometimes the reason is banal – a brush with too stiff bristles. It cleans the teeth well, but the gums can suffer from it. Therefore, be especially careful when choosing a brush. It is important to understand one thing: to stop bleeding gums, it is necessary to establish the root cause.

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Author: alex

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