The dentist told how to relieve toothache

The most common cause of toothache is pulpitis – inflammation of the nerves and blood vessels in the center of the tooth. In addition, pain can occur due to caries, tooth fracture, sensitive gums or enamel thinning.

“Dental nerves sometimes transmit incorrect signals to the brain. This means that although you feel pain in one tooth, in fact the problem may be in another one – even in the one on the opposite jaw,” dentist Roger Henderson told the Netdoctor portal. He urged to go to the doctor if the pain persists for at least three minutes.

In his opinion, the best way to prevent toothache and avoid caries is to reduce the amount of sweet foods in the diet. Moreover, it is better to use them together with the main meal.

Henderson emphasized that in case of toothache it is not always necessary to remove the tooth – even a simple filling can solve the problem. He advised rinsing the mouth with warm water with a teaspoon of salt.

“If the pain is caused by exposed root surfaces, a toothpaste for sensitive teeth can help. It will happen in a few days,” the dentist noted.

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Author: alex

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