The difference between upper and lower pressure is important for health

Doctor: too large or insignificant a difference between upper and lower blood pressure may indicate health problems.

The doctor reminded that blood pressure (BP) reflects the force of blood pressure on the vascular wall. The upper (systolic) pressure is an indicator of the work of the heart, and the lower (diastolic) pressure is an indicator of the work of the vessels. If these indicators become too high or, conversely, low, the human body is at risk of disorders, including such dangerous ones as a stroke or myocardial infarction.

The doctor emphasized that the difference between upper and lower pressure is also important for a person's health and well-being.

“The difference between upper and lower pressure is also important. A small difference can indicate various problems. An increase in the difference can also be an unfavorable sign,” the doctor said.

The specialist noted that according to the recommendations, normal blood pressure corresponds to indicators in the range from 120 over 70 to 129 over 79. Older people may have slightly higher pressure, for them this will not be considered a pathology.

“Arterial hypertension is diagnosed when the pressure exceeds 140 over 90,” the doctor specified.

The doctor said that men over the age of 40 and women who have undergone menopause should monitor their blood pressure, periodically measure it, and consult specialists if its indicators are high. The doctor noted that hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases can be asymptomatic for a long time.

“Elevated blood pressure levels increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, associated with the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia, but timely treatment helps reduce these risks,” the expert stated.

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Author: alex

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