The doctor called a vitamin that “reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by 9%”

Dr. Sarah Bruer from Healthspan, recommends vitamin K2 to reduce risk development. ischemic heart disease (CHD). Vitamins K are a group of vitamins that are needed for blood clotting and healing. Studies show that vitamin K2 can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by nine percent. the walls of the arteries. ”

this conclusion was based on an eight -year study in which more Risk of development of coronary heart disease. For every 10 mcg, an increase in vitamin K2 consumption with food is the risk of coronary heart disease by nine percent. This is equivalent to 460 deaths per day or one death every three minutes. Vitamin K2 is not the only vitamin you can take to reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease.

this is due to the fact that, differently, these vitamins and additives help to improve the health of blood circulation and/or hearts by enlargement of the arteries. If the cause of your high blood pressure is high cholesterol, Dr. Bruer recommends plant sterols or artichokes.

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Author: alex

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