The doctor called “monster products” that “reduce life expectancy”
While many people often look for products that can increase their life expectancy by several years, the expert warned of “Frankenstein” products that could instead take it away from them. From fats to sweeteners, here are the worst offenders.
“Every year, new studies or research results are published, and the mass media go to town, promoting the new superfoods or diets on the planet,” said nutritionist Vasylisa Ponomaryova. “I think it's more helpful to reverse the concept of superfoods and instead look at the Frankenstein foods—the true monsters lurking in your cupboards that have been shown to promote disease and shorten your life.”
Although sugar and salt are “key” offenders, other complex foods include:
- Trans fats
- Artificial sweeteners
- Ultra-processed foods
Trans fats
A few years ago there was talk of banning toxic trans fats. This type of fat, designed to improve flavor and increase shelf life, is found in cookies and cakes. Although foods rich in trans fats may taste good, the fatty culprits can raise your “bad” cholesterol and lower your “good” cholesterol. That means an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.”
Artificial Sweeteners
By contributing to weight gain and obesity, sweeteners interfere with your “natural microbiome intestines and can increase the number of bacteria that extract energy from our food and turn it into fat.” This process can cause you to gain extra pounds.
Ultra-Processed Foods
The biggest predictor of cancer is eating foods that have undergone deep processing. processing, throughout life.
“By ultra-processed food, I mean almost everything from ready meals to muffins, sweets and chips. They contain an obscene amount of sugar, salt and trans fat, making them the perfect Frankenstein food.”
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