The doctor mentioned the signs of a lack of vitamins
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Endocrinologist Elena Barredo told what signs may indicate a deficiency of nutrients necessary for health elements.
The specialist explained that in most cases the lack of certain vitamins has external signs. At the same time, deficits can be filled by adjusting the diet.
If cracks often appear on the lips and in the corners of the mouth, this may indicate an insufficient amount of vitamin A, which can be obtained by eating carrots.
Quick reddening of the nose and the appearance of vascular stars in the cold is a sign of a lack of routine. In this case, buckwheat and black rowan should be added to the diet.
Dry skin on the elbows indicates a deficiency of vitamin C. You can make up for this deficiency thanks to white cabbage, citrus fruits and rosehip infusion.
Brittle and peeling nails are a sign of insufficient amount of biotin, which green vegetables will help to cope with. Beets and green onions should be added to the diet.
Brittleness, dullness, excessive hair loss and a large amount of dandruff may indicate a lack of vitamins of group B. In this case, you should not sit on a strict diet and limit your diet yaso If hair growth has slowed down, most likely the cause is a deficiency of manganese, which can be dealt with by nuts, especially hazelnuts.
Dullness and flaking of the skin indicate the body's need for vitamin E, vegetable oils and nuts will come to the rescue here. .
Paleness and lack of blush is a sure sign of iron deficiency. You should eat red meat, beans and spinach.
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