The doctor named 3 ways to deal with hair loss due to stress

Loss hair loss is extremely common, with 40 percent of women and 30 percent of men over the age of 25 concerned about hair loss, and among men over 70 this figure rises to 70 percent.

Some hair loss, including stress-related hair loss, is temporary, and correcting the problem can lead to regrowth.

Why does stress cause hair loss?

The hair follicle is a target for many proteins and hormones released in response to stress. All of these molecules play a role in hair growth, and some affect the hair growth cycle. Hair follicles themselves also produce stress mediators in the “skin stress response”.

Stress leads to an increase in the level of substance P (SP), which is a small protein released by nerve cells in response to stress, which is associated with inflammation, the development of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, as well as disruption of the normal hair growth cycle.

Stress also increases levels of nerve growth factor (NGF), catecholamines such as epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine, prolactin, adrenocorticotrophs and glucocorticoids – all of which can contribute to hair loss, hair weakness and scalp problems.

< p>Dr. Debra Lee (UK) explains how to deal with hair loss due to stress.


Make time in your life to de-stress and make it a part of your life. your everyday life. Dr. Lee recommends finding a way to relax, such as yoga, meditation, or using a hot tub or sauna.

Quit smoking

Smoking speeds up hair loss, so it's time quit this habit.

“Cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals, many of which adversely affect hair follicles by reducing blood flow and increasing oxidative stress.”

Eliminate hormonal deficiencies

Make sure you don't have a hormone deficiency, such as hypothyroidism, and make sure it's treated properly. If you are menopausal, you may need HRT.

Dr Lee added:

“Eat a varied, balanced and wholesome diet – this means plenty of protein, as well as fruit and vegetables , as they contain a high level of antioxidants”.

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Author: alex

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