The doctor named 4 unexpected symptoms of a heart attack
The onset of a heart attack is mainly characterized by severe chest pain, which makes a person want to see a doctor as soon as possible. However, this typical symptom may not be present, then we are talking about the so-called silent heart attack. Most often, such a heart attack is accompanied by a fear of death. This and other signs of a heart attack that are easy to ignore, said the cardiologist, MD.
“There is a so-called silent heart attack, or painless heart attack. This is when a heart attack occurs, that is, necrosis of heart tissue, and the person feels almost normal, there is no pain. His condition is critical and he can die at any moment, but his well-being is quite satisfactory,” said the doctor.
According to him, most often “silent” heart attacks occur in people with type 2 diabetes. The fact is that with this disease nerve endings are affected and a person does not feel that part of his heart is dying.
Symptoms of a painless heart attack
- Fear of death. A person suddenly has an unreasonable feeling that he may die at any moment. During the death of myocardial cells, certain substances are released that act on the nervous system and cause such a feeling.
- Sudden inexplicable weakness.
- Cold sticky sweat. Not the kind that appears during physical activity.
- Discomfort in unusual places, such as the jaw, neck area, left arm and stomach.
The doctor emphasized that when these symptoms the heart can refuse at any moment, therefore, not a single minute can be lost. No more than three hours should pass before treatment begins, the doctor warned.
“The ideal window from the onset of symptoms to receiving surgical treatment is three hours, the so-called three golden hours. If the patient goes to the surgeon during this period, up to 80% of the mass of the myocardium of the left ventricle, which is dying, can be saved,” the cardiologist explained.
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