The doctor named 5 nutritional rules that will help protect the brain from dementia

Dementia causes three times more women's deaths than breast cancer and is also the third biggest killer of men. What you eat can affect your chances of developing dementia, so it's important to start eating well as early as possible. Nutritionist Marilyn Glanville named five rules that will help protect against dementia.

Reduce sugar consumption

Try to eliminate added sugar from your diet as much as possible. and refined carbohydrates.

Dr. Glanville said:

“This includes white bread and white rice because they are quickly converted to sugar (glucose) in your body and your pancreas has to produce more insulin to handle them.”

Eat a balanced breakfast< /strong>

You should try to eat breakfast every day, don't skip it.

“Always eat breakfast and make it a mix of protein and carbohydrates, avoiding breakfast cereals that contain sugar” .

Eat protein with every meal

Another tip to help balance your blood sugar is to include protein at every meal, as it slows the rise in blood sugar caused by carbohydrates.

Dr. Glanville warned:

“ So, every time you eat oatmeal or brown rice, try to include some fish or eggs, or a plant-based protein like quinoa, legumes (like chickpea hummus), nuts (nut butters like almond butter, good) or seeds.”

Beware of alcohol

If you are going to drink alcohol, don't overdo it and look for drinks with less sugar.
Dr. Glanville said:

“If you're going to drink alcohol, don't overdo it and look for the least sweet drinks.”

Special Nutrients

Some nutrients may also benefit your brain health and can be considered as a supplement to your diet.
“Acetyl-L-carnitine works with coenzyme Q10 and alpha-lipoic acid to support mitochondrial function. DHA in Omega-3 fatty acids helps prevent the formation of plaques in the brain.”

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Author: alex

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