The doctor named a nighttime sign of dangerous diseases, which may seem unexpected

The doctor advised not to ignore increased sweating at night, it may be a sign of dangerous diseases.

In an interview with German doctor Jens Wagenknecht, a warning was sounded that “increased sweating at night can indicate serious human diseases” .

The specialist noticed that it is necessary to be alert and make an appointment with a doctor if night sweats, having appeared once, began to repeat themselves later over a long period of time. Wagenknecht added that chronic inflammation, tumors, as well as malignant processes, i.e., cancer, can manifest as such a sign.

At the same time, the specialist added, sweating at night is often associated with less serious factors, and therefore, it is not perceived as a “malignant” sign – for many people, it is an unexpected symptom of cancer.

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Author: alex

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