The doctor named a vitamin that “reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by 9%”
Dr. Sarah Brewer of Healthspan recommends vitamin K2 to reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease (CHD). Vitamin K is a group of vitamins that are necessary for blood clotting and wound healing. Research shows that vitamin K2 can reduce the risk of CHD by nine percent.
Dr. Brewer says this is because “K2 activates a protein (MGP) that helps prevent calcium from building up in artery walls.”
This conclusion was based on an eight-year study in which more than 16,000 women measured their K2 intake and risk of coronary heart disease. For every 10 mcg increase in dietary vitamin K2 intake, the risk of coronary heart disease was reduced by nine percent.
CHD claims millions of lives worldwide each year.
According to the British Heart Foundation, this is equivalent to 460 deaths per day or one death every three minutes. Vitamin K2 isn't the only vitamin you can take to reduce your risk of CHD.
The doctor also recommends “B vitamins, Vitamin D, magnesium, omega-3, coenzyme Q10, and the amino acid L-arginine.”
This is because, in different ways, these vitamins and supplements help improve circulatory and/or heart health by dilating arteries. If high cholesterol is the cause of your high blood pressure, Dr. Brewer recommends plant sterols or artichokes.
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