The doctor named conditions in which mandatory intake of vitamins is necessary

Vitamins are sold to us as an integral part of our daily lives, especially vitamin D, Vitamin B12 and vitamin C. However, they can be expensive and often unnecessary. The doctor explained what vitamins you really need to take.

What vitamins should you take every day?

Generally, people don't need to take vitamins if they eat a healthy diet .

“Many news articles, advertisements and blogs may try to convince you otherwise, but don't let a scam part with your money. When your body gets the vitamins it needs from food, any extra vitamins are simply flushed down the toilet!” explains Deborah Lee.

However, taking vitamins is recommended for certain illnesses or circumstances.

Dr. Lee gave three examples – folic acid, vitamin D and iron.

Folic acid

Folic acid is recommended before conception and during pregnancy.

“Women are recommended to take 400 mcg of vitamin B9 (folic acid) a day for three months before they start trying to conceive and during the first three months of pregnancy. This is done to reduce the risk of having a baby with a neural tube defect, such as spina bifida or anencephaly.”

Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays many important roles in the body. It helps control bone growth and metabolism, but it also controls the immune system and plays a vital role in the immune response. Adults are recommended to take 10 mcg/day (400 IU) of vitamin D.

Iron supplements

Iron deficiency drugs are often prescribed to patients with iron deficiency anemia. However, not everyone needs to take them.

“Iron supplements can have side effects and should not be used by people who are not anemic.”

Examples of conditions that can cause the need for additional vitamins include:

  • Inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease), celiac disease, eating disorders, or after weight loss surgery.
  • Those at risk of osteoporosis, such as postmenopausal women, may be advised to take extra calcium and vitamin D. This should be discussed with a doctor.
  • People who drink a lot of alcohol may be advised to take vitamins as they often have poor nutrition and may have liver failure.

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Author: alex

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