The doctor named diseases manifested by bad breath

The cause of bad breath from the mouth can be not only dental problems, but also hidden diseases of internal organs.

According to an endocrinologist, the number of diseases manifested by bad breath include, for example, respiratory tract infections. Specifically, bronchiectasis, which are characterized by inflammation in the walls of the bronchi.

The doctor also mentioned liver failure: in her case, a smell with a fishy tint may occur.

Another disorder that is manifested by bad breath – diabetic ketoacidosis, which indicates adverse processes associated with the development of diabetes. The breath begins to give off a sweet, fruity smell.

In addition, shades of ammonia can be mixed with the smell from the mouth – this is one of the signs of kidney disease.

In addition, pathologies can be hidden behind the repulsive smell, that affect the gastrointestinal tract: the doctor called inflammation of the mucous membrane of its organs, gastroesophageal reflux disease, hernia of the esophageal opening.

“When a bad smell appears, the first thing you need to do is visit a dentist, because diseases of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity are the most popular cause. If everything is fine there, see a therapist, look for other reasons,” the specialist shared her recommendation on her Instagram.

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Author: alex

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