The doctor named products that can reduce the risk of heart disease and increase immunity
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Heart disease and a weakened immune system can lead to all sorts of health complications and can shorten your life, but changing your diet can make a huge difference.
Dietitionist Pixie Turner advocates an eco-friendly leafy green that can provide a host of benefits, from boosting energy levels to minimizing heart disease and boosting immunity.
Folate-deficiency anemia can manifest as follows, according to the Johns Hopkins Medicine list:< /p>
- Pale skin
- Decreased appetite
- Irritability
- Lack of energy or easy fatigue
- Diarrhea
- Smooth tongue
Women who want to conceive should be extra cautious about folic acid deficiency.
“Folate deficiency anemia during pregnancy can cause a neural tube defect,” Johns Hopkins Medicine said. “This is when the brain or spinal cord does not develop normally. This can lead to death before or shortly after birth.”
Vitamin C may come to mind for boosting immunity, but it is not only found in citrus fruits such as oranges.
One of the One of the best ways to prevent heart disease is to follow a “healthy, balanced diet.” It is also very important not to smoke, to control the level of cholesterol and glucose in the blood and to be physically active.
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