The doctor named simple ways to quickly get rid of a cold
There is nothing more annoying than starting cold. Regardless of how strong the immune system is, everyone is prone to illness to one degree or another at this time of year.
Often, cold symptoms can be cured on their own. The NHS recommends getting more rest and sleep, drinking plenty of fluids and gargling with antibacterial solutions to help ease the pain.
However, to get rid of a cold faster, Dr Sarah Jarvis recommends using three additional remedies. One of them is a throat spray. As the specialist explained, it can become a protective barrier against germs.
“A cold enters your body through the mucous membranes – mainly through the mouth and nose. Throat spray works by forming a protective barrier that makes it harder for the cold virus to spread. Studies have shown that it can halve the duration of symptoms and reduce the duration of illness by a third,” the doctor noted.
In addition, echinacea can help. Although there is limited data today that indicates the ability of the plant to reduce the duration of colds in adults, Dr. Jarvis recommended paying attention to it.
In addition, do not forget about vitamin C. If it is not enough in the diet, immunity will not be able to fully resist viruses, the doctor emphasized. Good sources of this substance are citrus fruits, sweet peppers, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.
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