The doctor named the maximum amount of honey that can be eaten per day
0 < p>According to the famous nutritionist Mykhailo Ginzburg, the maximum amount of honey you can eat per day is three teaspoons.
The nutritionist shared recommendations on how to use honey. Ginzburg said that this product is an allergen, and an allergy to honey can appear in a person at any age, regardless of its absence in earlier years of life. In addition, honey is characterized by a very high content of natural sugars, and people who believe that honey is more useful for health than table sugar are seriously mistaken.
Taking into account these risks, the nutritionist named the maximum amount of honey that can be eaten throughout the day.
“Young healthy people are recommended to consume no more than two to three teaspoons of honey per day, and people with certain diseases – no more than one,” Ginsburg said.
The doctor added that in the presence of obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension, honey should be used strictly in dosage – a maximum of a teaspoon per day. Allergic people (even those who do not suffer from an allergy to honey) can afford no more than half a teaspoon per day.
Ginsburg noted that honey is a “superfood” for people who are recovering from an illness, are weak , exhausted. Saturated with carbohydrates, bioactive substances, this product contributes well to the return of former energy.
Also, the expert warned about the unexpected danger of honey for the digestive system:
“Honey contains acids, products that irritate the stomach, so its excessive use can lead to the development of peptic ulcer disease, as well as gastritis.”
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