The doctor named the most inappropriate and useful products for breakfast

Using inappropriate products for breakfast, you can face the appearance of excess weight and diabetes, warns a nutritionist. The expert named the most dangerous foods in this regard.

Speaking of what is better to exclude from the morning menu, the doctor named the most inappropriate foods for breakfast – these are foods that contain a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates. Their regular consumption for breakfast contributes to the gain of extra kilograms and the development of diabetes, the nutritionist emphasized.

The expert advises to exclude from the morning meals sweet cereals made of white cereals, pastries, muesli, cookies, jam, candies, sugar, flakes, sweet tea, packaged juices. These products will not allow you to calmly wait until lunch without additional meals, and substantial ones at that. A similar effect is the result of the fact that they sharply increase the level of sugar in the blood and give only a short burst of energy, after which a decline in tone will occur and hunger will worsen.

Foods that contain a lot of proteins, fats, slow carbohydrates – their consumption protects against spikes in blood sugar, the doctor noted. At the same time, long working capacity is maintained, and a strong feeling of hunger will develop by lunchtime, “which is physiological and correct.”

The doctor named specific foods useful for breakfast: dark bread, olive, linseed oil, eggs, sour cream, breads , cheese, cream, yogurt, meat, fish, fruit, smoothies.

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Author: alex

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