The doctor named the products necessary for the eyes

An ophthalmologist compiled a list of important vitamins and trace elements for eye health.

Nutrition has a tremendous impact on both human health and eyesight in particular. That is why the doctor recommends paying special attention to enriching the diet.

Vitamin A

Benefit: prevents dry eye syndrome, reduces the risk of infections inside the eyes, strengthens the retina .

Sources: carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, apricots.

Vitamin C

Benefit: prevention of cataracts and macular dystrophy, helps elasticity of retinal capillaries.

Sources: citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries, broccoli, mustard, pepper.

Vitamin E and Zn

Benefit: prevention of cataracts and macular dystrophy, provide antioxidant protection of the body, slow down cell aging.

Sources: nuts, dried apricots, plant seeds, eggs, beef, seafood.

Lutein and zeaxanthin

Benefits: protection against the blue-violet spectrum of radiation, protection of children's eyes, prevention of macular dystrophy, improvement of color perception and twilight vision.

Sources: blueberries, paprika, corn, saffron .

Omega 3

Benefit: prevention of atherosclerosis of retinal vessels and dry eye syndrome.

Sources: avocado, seaweed, seafood, linseed oil, flax and chia seeds.

Vitamin D

Benefits: regulation of mineral metabolism, maintenance of muscle tone, strengthening of immunity, regulation of pressure.

Sources: dairy products, fish oil, fish liver, caviar, oatmeal, potatoes , parsley.

Vitamins of group B

Benefit: provision of local ocular immunity, blood supply to the eye, prevention of cataracts, keratitis, conjunctivitis.

Sources: liver, kidneys, mushrooms, eggs, yeast, almonds, porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, cheese, broccoli, white cabbage, buckwheat, milk.

“These products should be in the diet of an adult, and the more the child – constantly. It is better to take Omega 3 and vitamin D in long courses or constantly. If you often have chalazions, conjunctivitis, we raise local immunity and additionally drink a course of vitamins B, E, A”, – recommends the ophthalmologist.

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Author: alex

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