The doctor named the “provocateurs” of abdominal distention

The nutritionist told what causes flatulence.

The expert explained that about 1 liter of gas is produced in the human body per day. At the same time, such a volume does not cause any unpleasant sensations. However, exceeding this norm causes unpleasant, painful sensations that should not be ignored.

“It can be a symptom of a disease of the digestive organs. If suddenly flatulence becomes a frequent companion of life and painful sensations are added, this is a reason to consult a gastroenterologist,” the nutritionist warned.

However, even healthy people do not avoid the problem of flatulence. So, flatulence can be caused by careless chewing of food, overeating and drinking a lot of water, especially cold. In addition, flatulence often accompanies people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and irregular meals.

Some foods can also provoke fermentation and increased gas formation. Among them are starch – and sugar-containing products, products with a high fiber content, fatty meat or fish, dairy products (in case of lactose intolerance), mushrooms and fermented products.

However, the expert emphasized that there is no of the need to exclude all types of such products – it is important to monitor the individual reaction to each of them.

“As you can see, almost any products can cause increased gas formation. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is important to understand which products, in what quantities and in what combinations, personally cause increased gas formation in you,” she explained.

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Author: alex

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