The doctor named the worst option for breakfast for the pancreas

According to gastroenterologist Serhii Vyalov, the habit of eating sandwiches for breakfast with butter and cheese has a bad effect on the state of the pancreas.

Doctor Vyalov, talking about the worst option for breakfast for the pancreas, urged not to use sandwiches with butter and cheese on a regular basis as too fatty a snack.

< p>“Due to the high content of cholesterol and triglycerides, such food increases the load on the pancreas,” said the gastroenterologist.

Vyalov noted that when a person eats a lot of fat in one sitting, his pancreas and liver go into mode of intense functioning. This leads to throwing bile into the ducts of the gland and excessive activation of enzymes. As a result, the tissue of the pancreas begins to be digested.

“This is where acute pancreatitis comes from,” the doctor warned.

Serhiy Vyalov added that sometimes it is not scary to eat a sandwich with cheese, but a similar option breakfast or snacks should not be repeated every day. The doctor emphasized that for the health of blood vessels and the heart, animal fats should be eaten in strict moderation.

“It is desirable that two out of three meals per day should be vegetarian,” Vyalov clarified.

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Author: alex

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