The doctor named three bad morning habits

Immediately after waking up, people should not engage in too vigorous physical exercises, drink coffee and orange juice.

British doctor Miriam Stoppard warned about this. According to her, all three of these habits threaten health problems. Yes, excessive exertion after sleep is contraindicated because the body is dehydrated, the tissues are not stretched, and the intervertebral discs may even pop out because of it.

As for a glass of ordinary orange juice, it puts a colossal load on the metabolic process. Therefore, the level of sugar in the blood soars to enormous values. After all, in the morning, the metabolism in the body cannot yet perfectly regulate the level of insulin. Coffee on an empty stomach has a similar effect on a person.

Therefore, refusing the mentioned two drinks immediately after getting out of bed minimizes the risk of developing diabetes or having heart problems.

Solidarity with Stoppard also expressed Professor James Betts of the University of Bath. He advised all coffee drinkers to at least eat something for breakfast to begin with.

“We know that almost half of us wake up in the morning and, before doing anything, drink coffee – intuitively, the stronger we are we feel tired, the stronger the coffee. Our blood sugar control is disrupted when the first thing our bodies come into contact with is coffee, especially after a night of disturbed sleep. We can improve this by first eating and then drinking coffee if we feel we still need it,” says the scientist.

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Author: alex

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