The doctor revealed the most unnecessary medical procedures
There are no absolutely unnecessary manipulations in traditional medicine and any appointment has sense. However, some procedures are not worth the money spent on them.
First of all, they include methods familiar to many, including washing the nose with sea water. Doctors often recommend appropriate drugs, and the cost of some of them is quite high. However, the same effect can be achieved by rinsing with saline or salt water.
The same applies to physiotherapy. The doctor emphasized that to date there is no scientific evidence that such procedures help speed up recovery. “As a rule, they are prescribed in combination with the main therapy or after it. Physiotherapy under the supervision of specialists will not harm the body, but you can't expect benefits either,” he explained.
In addition, you should not take vitamins and nutritional supplements without supervision. The doctor emphasized that their benefits have not been proven, but the damage to the wallet can be significant.
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