The doctor said that a daily ten-minute walk prolongs life for years

Dr. Pedro Saint-Maurice, who represents the National Institute of Health in Maryland, said that a daily walk for 10 minutes can extend a person's life. According to his statement, physical activity is the key to longevity.

Saint-Maurice said that thanks to physical activity, you can reduce weight, reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases, diabetes and cancer. With its help, a person protects himself from dementia by increasing blood flow to the brain.

These results were obtained by researchers from the USA when they conducted an experiment in which Americans aged 40-85 took part. For 7 days, they wore pedometers on their belts. As it turned out, a ten-minute walk helps to prevent 111,174 deaths per year.

The number of prevented deaths was 209,459 with 20 minutes of walking per day. If you spend half an hour a day walking, then this indicator will be 367,037. Most healthy adults are advised by doctors to do at least 150 minutes of physical activity or 75 minutes of aerobic activity per week.

Also, experts have come to the conclusion that some people do not it is worth increasing the level of activity, limiting yourself to a minimum. Thanks to this study, it is possible to implement a strategy to increase physical activity of adults and reduce deaths. At the same time, according to the British national health care system, doctors need to prescribe people cycling and walking.

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Author: alex

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