The doctor talked about the harm of the desire to eat sweet and fatty food
Sudden desire to eating a certain product indicates that there is a deficiency of vitamins and useful elements in the body, which it is trying to fill. When you want to eat something sour, it means that the body feels a violation of acidity and tries to restore it due to this.
The craving for salty food indicates the syndrome of tired adrenal glands, which can be accompanied by fatigue and sleep disturbances . In this case, a person may need to support electrolytes.
If you really want something sweet, bacterial growth occurs in the body – candidiasis. At this point, it is recommended to pay attention to the presence of thrush, the nutritionist said.
When there is a lack of calcium in the body, sometimes there is a desire to eat chalk, the specialist said, and when there are disorders of the pancreas and a lack of fats, there is a need to fatty food.
The nutritionist noted that uncontrolled appetite indicates a hormonal failure. In this case, the hormones responsible for satiety and appetite are disrupted. In order to stabilize this process, first of all, it is necessary to normalize sleep, concluded the nutritionist.
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