The doctor talked about the impact of stress on the female body
The mammologist said that stress is very negative affects the female body. And one of its consequences can even be cancer.
Quarrels with a loved one, financial difficulties, problems at work, conflicts with children – all this leads to a steady increase in the level of stress, which has a negative effect on the body.
It is not only a bad mood and a decrease in appetite, but also the appearance of fatigue and insomnia. In the long term, stress has a destructive effect on various systems of our body, and it must be seriously dealt with.
The mammologist reminded us that evolutionarily stress is a protective mechanism that helped us to react more quickly to various external dangers. For example, in a state of stress, our distant ancestor could run away from a wild animal or from members of a neighboring tribe with great speed, because her entire body was mobilized for this in a matter of seconds. But long-term stress is extremely undesirable for our body, because it provokes various negative consequences.
Mental problems with stress are well known, and their list is very significant – from apathy and depression to long-term depression. But there are also purely physiological disorders.
For example, heart rhythm disturbances, shortness of breath, pain in the chest, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal disorders, painful impulses in the abdomen, and a drop in libido. In some people, chronic stress can become a trigger for cancer.
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