The doctor warned about the harm of long-term refusal of salt
According to the recommendations of an endocrinologist, long refusing to use salt is very harmful to the body.
Salt is often called “white death” and, deciding to follow a healthy diet, many people think about giving it up. However, it is impossible to completely exclude the spice from the diet, the doctor warned.
Long-term refusal of salt, which creates a sodium deficiency in the body, negatively affects its functions and health, reduces the quality of life, the expert emphasizes. .
The doctor explained what happens to the body if it does not receive the required amount of salt for a long time.
“In this case, water and potassium are intensively excreted, which increases the load on the kidneys. A headache appears, weakness, nausea, digestion is disturbed, blood pressure drops, and the head becomes dizzy regularly,” the specialist warned.
According to the doctor, the refusal of salt – if it is practiced – should not exceed three days per week In particular, it can be used by people whose diet contains many products with a high level of salt. Short-term abstinence from salt can help them get rid of excess fluid and swelling.
The doctor categorically does not recommend giving up the spice for a period of more than two or three months. The expert emphasized that the nervous and muscular systems of the body need sufficient sodium.
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