The easiest and tastiest recipe for cooking turkey liver
According to our recipe, the liver turns out very tasty, it will be loved even those who have never eaten before. Read the recipe in detail, cook and taste.
500 g of liver (turkey or chicken)
1 onion< br> 1 tbsp. l. with a slice of tomato paste
2 tbsp. l. sour cream
1 tbsp. l. honey
150-200 ml of water
salt, pepper
Prepare the liver. Clean and cut into pieces. Cut the onion. Mix tomato paste, honey, sour cream. Add water and mix until smooth. On a heated pan, fry the chopped onion until soft.
After that, add the liver and fry until half done. Add salt and pepper, pour the sauce and stew the liver in it until it is ready. Serve with your favorite side dish. Delicious!
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